MATH 148 – Business Calculus

Course Description: This is an introductory calculus course for business and economics students.  It includes an introduction to rates of change, differentiation, integration, areas, and appropriate calculus techniques.  There are also applications to marginal analysis in economics, optimization and other relevant applications.


Textbook: Burzynski, D. (2018), Applied Calculus for Business, Life and Social Sciences. XYZ Textbooks


Unit 1: Functions and Limits

·         1.1 Introduction to Functions and Relations

·         1.2 Algebra and Composition of Functions

·         1.3 Slope, Rates of Change, and Linear Functions

·         4.1, 4.2 The Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

·         1.4 Introduction to Limits

·         1.5 Functions and Continuity

·         1.6 Average and Instantaneous Rates of Change

·         7.1 Functions of Several Variables

Unit 2: Derivatives

·         2.1 The Derivative of a Function and Two Interpretations

·         2.2 Differentiating Products and Quotients

·         2.3 Higher-Ordered Derivatives

·         2.4 The Chain Rule and General Power Rule

·         4.3, 4.4 Differentiating the Natural Logarithm & Exponential Function

·         2.5 Implicit Differentiation

·         7.2 Partial Derivatives

Unit 3: Integrals

·         5.1 Antidifferentiation and the Indefinite Integral

·         5.2 Integration by Substitution

·         5.3 The Definite Integral

·         5.4, 6.1 Area of Regions in the Plane

·         5.6 Integration by Parts

·         7.6 Double Integrals as Volume

Unit 4: Applications of Calculus

·         3.3 Applications of the Derivative: Optimization

·         3.4 Applications of the Derivative in Business and Economics

·         6.2 Consumer’s and Producer’s Surplus

·         6.3 Annuities and Money Streams

·         7.8 The Average Value of a Function