MATH 107 – Math in Society

This link will be updated when I make the videos, hopefully in the near future! (this is the next course I plan to update – this summer!)


Course Description: This course will introduce the non-math/science major to mathematical applications in a variety of disciplines.


Textbook: Lippman, D. (2017). Math in Society: Ed. 2.5


Textbook download


Chapter 2: Voting Theory

·         Plurality

·         Instant Runoff Voting

·         Borda Count

·         Copeland’s Method

·         Approval Voting

Chapter 3: Weighted Voting

·         Introduction

·         Banzhaf Power Index

·         Shapely-Shubik Power Index

Chapter 5: Fair Division

·         Divider-Chooser

·         Lone Divider

·         Last Diminisher

·         Sealed Bids Method

Chapter 6: Graph Theory

·         Graphs and Shortest Path

·         Euler Circuits

·         Hamiltonian Circuits

·         Spanning Trees

Chapter 8: Growth Models

·         Linear Growth Models

·         Exponential Growth Models

·         Solving Exponentials for Time

·         Logistic Growth

Chapter 9: Finance

·         Simple & Compound Interest

·         Annuities & Payout Annuities

·         Loans & Loan Balance

Chapter 11: Describing Data

·         Presenting Data Visually

·         Measures of Central Tendency

·         Measures of Variance

Chapter 12: Probability

·         Introduction and Basic Concepts

·         Bayes Theorem

·         Counting

·         Expected Value